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Home of the Bulldogs --- "'Mid Green Fields and Meadows..."

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Savona Central School - Home of the Bulldogs (photo courtesy of Rick M.)

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Mark of the Bulldogs                              The United States of America - Home of the FREE and the BRAVE!                         Mark of the Bulldogs

Welcome Bulldog Alumni to your site on the World Wide Web!
This website was created to be a virtual meeting place for all SCS Alumni (years 1895-1992) and friends of the Savona Community. The SCS Alumni still exists, even if the school system doesn't -- having combined with another in 1992/3. The goal of this site is to help old school friends and neighbors reunite. No matter where you reside today, you can connect with your long-lost friends once again. Plan your reunion, make new friends, network with others, show your school spirit, exchange photos, or just catch-up on old times... it's now possible, with the SCS Alumni Website!

To start your on-line journey, feel free to visit our SiteMap, or use the navigation bar near the top of almost every page. After looking around a bit, we invite you to complete our SURVEY, view the Alumni Calendar, sign our Guest Book (so people can find you here), make an entry on the Message Board, or just send in your Contact Information by using the "Register Today" button.

Additionally, your FREE all-alumni Website offers several resources to make keeping-in-touch easier and fun. Some of these features include: our "Latest Poll," review Bulldog's latest e-Update, class photos (updated on Sep. 13, 2009, if yours isn't there... send it in today!), SCS History (YOU asked for it, so take a peek at what SCS looked like in 1922!), chat room, a list of Graduates (scroll down for more about our list), reunion information, template for class websites, external links to Campbell-Savona School and other alumni sites!

Help us share the SCS on-line experience today! You can download & print (in color, if possible) the latest "Flyer" and then post it around your area to help classmates and friends find us. All you need is the free "Adobe Reader" program installed on your computer (make sure you print using the Adobe Reader print button and NOT your browser's print feature). Click this link to see and print the SCS Alumni Website "Flyer". Thanks!

Please take a little time to go through all of our pages to see what we have to offer here. Bulldog and Crew continue to develop your site -- primarily from the feedback we receive. So, your suggestions are always welcome, and an essential part of this site's future!

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The much anticipated Multi-year Reunion took place on July 21st, 2018.

For more about this and others, visit the Reunions Page *...

* Check them out here.

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Who graduated from SCS ?

Here's a complete listing of graduates dating back to 1895. To view this master list, click... SCS Graduates (clicking this link will launch Abode's Reader within your browser, but you MUST have this program installed on your computer to see our list. If you'd rather not install the FREE Adobe Reader, the second link above will take you to the Adobe Reader download site, go to the menu on the right - below the small Bulldog graphic - and use the "Alumni Search" link, this will take you to an external site, in a new window). If you're thinking about printing our list, careful... it's 36-pages!

Note: This list is not an "official record", as the Campbell-Savona School has the actual registry. However, we will update our version from time-to-time (last update was 10/01/2024). If you have an update for us, the next scheduled publishing date is tentatively set for...


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Bulldog's looking for . . .

  Class Representatives. We really could use the help...
go to the "CONTACT US!" page for more information. *

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  Someone that would like to be our Newsletter Coordinator. If you're interested, THAT'S GREAT! However, this will entail assembling a mailing list from the information collected, plus more. In fact, we've already developed the format, and maybe a name (i.e., which do you like better... resurrecting the "SCS Inkspot" or a new one like the "Bulldog Bulletin" ?). It is an important part of our effort, and we truly would like to get "connected" with as many alumni as is possible. A newsletter will help us tremendously!
If interested, please "CONTACT US!" for more information.

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  PHOTOs, PHOTOs, and more PHOTOs... scan what you've got and send them today, please ;-)

* For more on how you can HELP, check-out the Representatives' Page.

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Savona Weather . . .

Click for the latest weather forecast.

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We considered the feedback,
and settled on this look for the time being.

* Since some of you may not have seen the previous version of this site, click here to see what we started with... you'll be surprised at our "humble" beginning :-)

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