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Bulldog's attempt at an electronic-Update!

e-Update #4 from Bulldog...

Subject: SCS Alumni Website e-Update #4 (sent via e-mail on 2 September 2002)...

What we've accomplished since e-Update #3:

  • Since April of this year, we've more than tripled our "hit-count" or number of Website visitors. On September 1st, the count was at 3103!
  • Added SCS Alumni Electronic Greeting Cards!! Visit the SiteMap (item XIV.), and send a SCS e-Card today... should be a fun way of staying in contact with classmates and friends from SCS. -- discontinued.
  • This next item should fall into the category... "what we UNDID since last time" -- the Guest Book was accidentally "vaporized" on July 16th during a maintenance period. However, everything from January through May 2002 was already archived, and still exists... thankfully. So, if you made an entry after May through July 15th, it's no longer there -- sorry. If that's the case, please sign the Guest Book so classmates and friends can find you.
  • Thankfully... created a GuestBook Archive, as the GuestBook itself was getting way too long. Everything's still there (minus what we accidentally zeroed-out... entries from June 1st through July 15th); it's just split between two pages now.
  • Created a "Reunion Planning Checklist" and an "Example Survey" to help those working hard (or will be) on reunions. If you are a reunion-planner or committee member, make sure you check these out well before your next one.
  • For the Classes that have sent in a photo, we have created a page showing the photo and listing the graduates for that year. If we have an e-mail address, then we added an e-mail link with the name on the class photo page. Additionally, take a good look at these class photos since we've enhanced them so that when you mouse-over faces... you'll see who it is! If you see a number-letter code instead of a name, then we need some help identifying that person. Please send us the name(s), if you know who they are.
  • There are now Class Representatives listed -- 17 of you -- and we look forward to adding more; for information about this volunteer post, and what's involved, please visit for details.
  • Added new school photos to several pages (thanks to those that submitted them!).
  • Posted a picture of SCS from around 1948, when the "first addition" was added.
  • Created the SCS History page -- take a look at the School in 1922! Its location might surprise you. Also on this page, added a photo & city crest of Savona, Italy (our namesake)...
  • We have a new e-mail address, please note... (that should be a bit easier to remember ;-)
  • Since June, we are now recognized by the C-S School, as we've been linked to the School's "Alumni" Webpage -- this took a few years of patience! Take a look at... (under the "Student Activities" portion of the main menu).
  • Added an Alumni Events Calendar for everyone (community events too), and a Form that can be used to add items...
  • Updated the "unofficial" graduation registry in June; next update is planned for November.
  • On July 21st, we sponsored another "all-alumni" chat session, with another planned for 15 Sept. A few more turned-out for this one, but are Sundays good for most people, around 1 -5 pm (ET)? Take a look at for details. Also, enhanced the instructions and graphics to help people get familiar with our Chat Room.
  • Modified our pages to be more compatible with other Web browsers (i.e., Netscape, Mozilla, etc...).
  • Added an option to accept on-line donations. We will not be pushy with this... but if we are to grow, it's a fact of life. Please consider sending some financial help, if you can. Thanks.

    What we're planning next...

    NOTHING -- or very little, besides normal site maintenance, and correspondence.

    After all, it's YOUR Website... what do you want done?

    In fact, the SCS Alumni "WebTeam" agreed to assemble for a "full-court-press" to re-create your site in early 2002. They did this, since there was next-to-nothing for SCS Alumni on the Web, or otherwise. In fact, I'm sorry to say that the existing CAMPBELL-savona Alumni Association (previously known as the Campbell Alumni Association) EXCLUDES SCS Graduates (1895-1992) -- even though after a great-deal of work on our part, they now have the SCS class graduation lists (albeit not current) on their site -- that's their limit! And, if you see something that needs to be updated there, you will need to contact "them" directly. We did not like what we were seeing, and decided to do something about it. By creating our own site and organization, we can help the SCS Alumni continue.

    Most of the "WebTeam," having agreed to work on this project for a 6-month period, have already moved on to other things, beginning in July. This small group has truly worked hard putting our new Website together, and have created a wonderful on-line tool for us all. That means that we are in need of VOLUNTEERS to keep this site going, and possibly create an actual Alumni Association (for things like newsletters, all-alumni events, etc...). In the meantime, Bulldog will stay to maintain continuity and handle site technical issues. And, even Bulldog will step-aside if there is someone, or a few people, that would like to take on this important activity. ONE RULE THOUGH... if you want the job, we ask that you assume the role and identity of "BULLDOG" too! We do this to keep it an all-alumni site, and not a one-person, or one-class, show.

    Regardless, this is YOUR ALUMNI site... you may not have asked for it, but it's on the WWW nonetheless. Hopefully, there are people that want to MAINTAIN it, see it GROW, and preserve the HISTORY and some of the TRADITIONS of good old SCS. Given the state of things after 10-years of SCS closing its doors, we feel priveldged to have started something meaningful -- something that can benefit all of us for many years to come.
    We hope you enjoy it!

    If you'd like to help, contact us today!


    P.S. Did I mention that we need PHOTOS?    Please take a minute or two to scan an SCS photo and send it along.

    P.S.S. Please print our "Flyer" on the main page, and post it around the Steuben area, and other areas too?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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